Automotive Technician
Level 2
NIPA's 2-year automotive program exposes students to the automotive industry. The program covers a full range of systems theory, practical maintenance, and repair procedures. Topics include: steering/suspension system, brake functions, engine mechanical functions, air conditioning/heating systems, fuel, exhaust and accessory systems.
(Information coming soon)
Course :
Automotive Technician
Availability:Day or Evening Programs
Duration:2 years
(Information coming soon)
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This course requires a PSVE PBL or SBO level 1 diploma. If you have no diploma, you will undergo an assessment.
Level info:
Level 2 Basic Professional.
Transitional options:
NIPA is using the SBO module system in transitioning from one year to the next.
This implies that grades obtained in the previous year will be carried over to the following year.
Students can thus follow the modules from the following year even if they did not successfully complete modules from the previous year, which can be retaken.
In order for a student to obtain an SBO diploma, they would have to successfully complete all partial qualifications.
There is also an opportunity to achieve partial qualification certificates.
In this system, the student is always rewarded, for achieving satisfactory grades.
Most SBO programs allow students to transition to higher levels depending of the structure of the program and if the program is being offered by the institute.
With a level 2 diploma, a graduate would be eligible to enter into a level 3 course.